Thursday, April 22, 2010

Put This On, Episode 2: Shoes by Put This On

Put This On, Episode 2: Shoes from Put This On on Vimeo.

The dudes over at Put This On finally released their second video simply tittled Shoes. While shoes are probably the most important part of a man's wardrobe, you'd be amazed how little most men know about shoe care or even tying your shoes properly. (I swear my life was truly changed at 8:18.) - Recently I vowed my next pt job would be at a shoe repair (hit me up already Rico!) so I was pretty stoaked by the feature on Willie's Shoe Repair. Willie's apprentice had some pretty great advice on how to spot a well constructed shoe, but i was most taken away by his wicked mustache.

1 comment:

  1. Where have you found this haha! Great stuff. I loved the last tipp on how to tie your shoes right!!
